When Is Baby Too Big For Bassinet- Moms Guide

Many parents choose to start their baby’s life in a bassinet. Bassinets are small, lightweight, and easily transported, so they are ideal for newborns sleep.

But how to know when is baby too big for bassinet but not ready for crib? How long can you keep your baby in a bassinet? When do they need to move on to a crib? Let’s dig out the answers.


When Should I Transition My Baby from the Bassinet to the Crib?

If you’re a new parent, you’ll have to decide when to transition babies from the bassinet to the crib. It’s a tough decision because you want your baby to be comfortable and safe. 

Read Also : How to make bassinet more comfortable? Try these 15 unique ideas

These are the most important things to remember when you make the switch.

  • Your baby’s head is reaching the top of the bassinet.
  • Your baby is rolling over and starting to become more active.
  • You find keeping your baby in the bassinet challenging due to their size or activity level.

Related: Best Bedside Bassinet For C Section And Breastfeeding Moms

Obvious Signs: When Is Baby Too Big For Bassinet

Is your baby outgrowing their bassinet and needs more space? These are signs of the right time to transition to a crib:

Size and Length Matters

One of the primary considerations is size. Your baby should be able to lie in the crib without its head is higher than the top edge of the mattress. Once your baby outgrows the bassinet, it’s time for a switch.

If your baby looks cramped in its cozy nest, it may be time for a larger sleeping space. Most bassinets are meant for babies up to about 4 months old or until they reach about 30 inches in length. A crib may be a better option in the parent’s room if your baby is longer than that.


If your baby starts to roll over or is already rolling from its back to its stomach, it’s time for a crib. A bassinet is unsafe for a rolling baby, as it could easily roll out onto the floor.


Bassinet Weight limit 

Most bassinets can accommodate babies up to about 15 to 20 pounds. If your baby is approaching or exceeding this weight, it may be more comfortable in a crib or a big bassinet.

Baby moves around a lot in their sleep.

A crib with more space may be better for your baby if they are constantly moving in their sleep in a bassinet. It is especially true if they start to crawl or walk, as they may try to get out of a bassinet.

Baby sleep Preferences

Some babies prefer to sleep in a crib. If your baby seems uncomfortable or unhappy in the bassinet, it may be time to switch.

Age is Another Factor

While size and weight are important considerations, age is also a factor when a baby overgrows. Most babies are transitioned to the crib between 3 and 4 months old. By this age, they’re usually ready to start sleeping through the night and don’t need you to be fed as often during nighttime feedings. If your baby still wakes up frequently at night, it might be best to wait a bit longer before transitioning to the crib in a separate baby’s room.

Making the Transition

With these steps, you can help your baby transition from the bassinet to the crib once you know that your child is now big for the bassinet.

  • First, try putting your baby in your room’s crib for short periods during daytime naps. It will help your baby get used to its new surroundings. 
  • Second, ensure that the crib is close to your bed so you can easily reach your baby if they need you during nighttime feeding or wakings.
  • Finally, remember to keep your baby’s favorite blankets and stuffed animals close by so they feel comfortable and secure in the new environment.

How to know when is baby too big for Halo bassinest

Since all babies are different in size and growth, an excellent general guideline is that if your baby is outgrowing the bedside sleeper bassinet or looks uncomfortable, it’s probably time to switch to a new crib. Put blankets or pillows around the edges of the bassinet to make it safe and prevent falling.

Safety tips on What to do when baby outgrown bassinet at 3 months

When is baby too big for moses basket, these are a few things you can do to ensure their baby’s safety. 

  • First, ensure the bassinet is on a firm, level surface. 
  • Second, use a mattress that fits snugly in the bassinet and is no more than four inches thick. 
  • Third, do not use the bassinet’s pillows, quilts, or other soft bedding. 
  • Fourth, keep the baby’s sleep area free of toys, loose blankets, and other items that could cause suffocation in the newborn stage.
  • Always place your child on their back when you go to the baby bed to decrease the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

What is the Average Weight Limit for a Bassinet?

Different manufacturers have different weight limits for their bassinets. However, the average weight limit for a bassinet is between 15 and 20 pounds. So, if you are looking for a bassinet for your baby, check the average weight limit for a bassinet before making your purchase.


Can baby sleep in bassinet if rolling over?

If your baby is rolling over, it is best to transition them to a crib as soon as possible. It is because bassinets are not designed to accommodate babies sleep who can roll over. Additionally, babies who roll over in a bassinet are at a greater risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Therefore, it is best to err on caution and move your baby to a crib once they start rolling over.

When do babies outgrow bassinets?

When does baby outgrow bassinet or when to move baby out of bassinet depends on a few factors. For example, if your baby is particularly large or tall, it may outgrow a bassinet sooner than average. Additionally, some bassinets have weight limits you need to be aware of when your baby scooting to edge of bassinet.

What age does baby outgrow bassinet? Most bassinets can accommodate babies up to 15 pounds, but it’s always best to check the manufacturer’s specifications.Outside of size and weight limit considerations for when does baby outgrow bassinet, you’ll also need to consider your baby’s sleep habits and same room sharing.

If your little one is a light sleeper who tends to stir frequently throughout the night, they may be more comfortable in a bassinet where they can see and hear you nearby. And, if your baby is a sound sleeper who sleeps through the night, they may be fine in a crib from the beginning.

Ultimately, it’s up to you as the parent to decide when the right time is there to transition your child from a bassinet to a crib. If you’re unsure, err on caution and keep them in the bassinet for a bit longer. You can always move them to a crib later on, but once they’re in a crib, it takes more work to return!

Conclusion: when is a baby too big for a bassinet

Deciding when to transition your baby from bassinet to crib is always challenging. But by considering factors such as size, weight, and age. Take steps such as gradually acclimating your baby to their new surroundings.

Most babies will be comfortable in a bassinet for at least the first few nights. However, ultimately it’s up to you as the parent to decide when the time is right for your baby to make a move.